hirsk是一位香港土生土長的製作人及現場電子音樂人,畢業於美國伯克利音樂學院,主修電子音樂製作及聲音設計。2017年被選中為德國柏林Pop Kulture藝術節的音樂單位。2018年於香港「搶耳音樂廠牌計劃」展示其獨特、怪異及富有想像空間的聲音,並被獲邀遠赴慕尼黑參與Franeworks Festival演出。回港後積極與不同類型音樂人合作,包括Kiri T、王嘉儀、Gin Lee、Serrini、周耀輝、CYLeo等。近年Hirsk聯結曾在美國深造爵士的鼓手Blue Kwok及鋼琴手Daniel Chu組成manvsmachine,探索電子音樂與爵士樂的無限可能性。
Meet hirsk, the Hong Kong-born sonic visionary and distinguished alumnus of the prestigious Berklee College of Music. An artist who defies conventions, hirsk seamlessly melds Hong Kong's timeless classics with his abstract post-genre style, creating a harmonious fusion that resonates deeply with listeners worldwide. he has been invited to perform at prestigious festivals like Berlin's Pop Kultur Arts, Munich's Frameworks, and Shanghai's Strawberry Music Festival, transcending cultures and souls. His groundbreaking debut album "noista/gia", not only captivated hearts but also secured him the coveted "Producer of the Year, Instrumental" honor at the 32th Golden Melody Awards in Taiwan.
Renowned for sculpting surreal soundscapes from the city's heartbeat, hirsk collaborates seamlessly, from pop icons like Yoga Lin, AGA, Sophy, Charmaine Fong, and Matt Force, to multimedia artists like Keith Lam, hirsk's creative synergy knows no limits
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manvsmachine @Ear Up Showcase 2020
hirsk @Ear Up Music Festival 2019

Intro @Ear Up Music Festival 2018
hirsk @Ear Up Music Festival 2018
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