Gigi Cheung
Gigi Cheung has graduated from the Drama School of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2016. She started learning classical piano from an early age, and her musical style is deeply influenced by theatre and classical music.
During her study at the Academy for Performing Arts, she has been involved in multiple live music performances. She also does music composition for theatres, plays, micro-movies and TV drama series.
She mainly composes pure melodies at her early stage of music composing, which were the most direct expression of inner emotions.
In recent years, she has produced more personal singles and also tried various attempts to produce different styles of music.
Moreover, she has also worked on the visuals of her own works. She tried to input different elements to the song, such as electronics and monologue.
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從小學習古典鋼琴的女生,到畢業於香港演藝學院戲劇系。一人分飾演員與音樂人兩角,#張蔓姿 的音樂創作歷程,也由譜出電影/劇場配樂感的純音樂,再到近年蛻變成唱作人,寫出她的歌曲、唱出她的歌。張蔓姿所樹立出,是她的alternative-pop風格,帶出一份戲劇色彩與幽暗感覺,抑或哲學意味之迷思。探討生存/生活的〈生者如盜〉,在神秘的鋼琴與空靈的電音之間構成這首avant-ballad/dark-pop歌曲;單元劇《寂寞是幫兇》插曲〈孤者夢遊〉唱出孤者自得其樂的寂寞心靈,歌曲以木結他主導,而那段幽幽的synth獨奏可謂神來之筆。而現場演出時,張蔓姿會以三人樂隊形式上陣。
Gigi Cheung @Ear Up Showcase 2020
Gigi Cheung @Ear Up Showcase 2020
Gigi Cheung @Ear Up School Tour 2020

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