Ear Up Tour

第一屆「搶耳巡演」選擇先從廣東省開始進行巡演,希望通過計劃,讓內地樂迷了解最新的香港好聲音、好音樂。由於廣東省與香港均使用粵語,有著較相近的文化背景,當地樂迷更容易對香港音樂和廣東歌產生共鳴。共12個入選的本地原創音樂單位分別夥同於內地巡演方面經驗豐富的4組音樂大使前往廣州、深圳、佛山及中山的校園和Live House演出,並接受有關市場推廣、社交媒體宣傳等培訓,以及在主要數碼音樂平台和社交媒體上進行宣傳。各音樂單位最後會回港舉行分享會,總結巡演時的經驗及心得。與此同時,他們亦會聯同上述四城的樂隊代表在港演出。
Ear Up Tour aims to help Hong Kong indie music talents to explore a new market through live performances, social media promotion and trainings. The program showcases the vitality of Hong Kong music, and build a bridge for city cooperation.
Since both Hong Kong and Guangdong province use Cantonese and have a rather similar cultural background, fans are more likely to accept and resonate with Hong Kong music and Cantonese songs. The program thus chooses to begin from Guangdong province, hoping to let people who live in the mainland know the latest sound and music from Hong Kong. A total of 12 selected music units will tour with four experienced music ambassadors to a campus and a live house in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan and Zhongshan. All music units will eventually return to Hong Kong to share their experience during the tours in the mainland, as well as have a performance with music units from the abovementioned cities in Hong Kong.
2019校園巡演 School Tour
2019市場探索 Market Exploration
2019粉絲互動 Fans Interaction
2019在地培訓 Localization

Disclaimer: Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organizers only and do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Communications and Creative Industries Branch of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Create Hong Kong, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee.
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