搶耳音樂特別策劃:THE GREAT ESCAPE 2021 香港展演
在英國國際大型showcase音樂節THE GREAT ESCAPE 2021(5月13及14日),搶耳音樂將特別策劃由四組各具特色本地音樂單位:雞蛋蒸肉餅、陳嘉、The Hertz及再生中所串連而成的香港展演,向世界展示屬於香港的新銳聲音。
今次與搶耳音樂合作的THE GREAT ESCAPE扎根英國Brighton,是一個集展演、論壇、講座、業界聯繫等多類活動於一身的國際showcase音樂節。每年TGE會在當地集結超過五百位來自世界各地的新晉音樂人,透過各類產業活動進行交流。今年THE GREAT ESCAPE即將重返樂迷視野,首次以線上形式為大家展演英國與全球最佳的地下音樂。
即按以下連結加入TGE的電郵名單,獲取在5月13及14日線上觀賞TGE Online的登入資訊:http://bit.ly/TGEMailingList
As a festival partner, Ear Up Music is proud to present Hong Kong’s new music at the world-renowned showcase festival THE GREAT ESCAPE. The Hong Kong Showcase comprises 4 exciting acts: GDJYB, CHANKA, The Hertz and SaiSeiChu.
THE GREAT ESCAPE Festival is returning on May 13 & 14th, but moving to an online festival for the first time ever to once again showcase the best in the UK and international's underground music scene.
To watch the Hong Kong Showcase online for free, join the TGE mailing list to be sent timely info: http://bit.ly/TGEMailingList

GDJYB, the all-female maths-folk band with their unique creative Honglish lyrics.

獨立女聲陳嘉以progressive rock的環迴聲景見稱。
CHANKA, is renowned for her rich progressive rock soundscape.
The Hertz

The Hertz的廣東歌混搭funk、synth、rock等不同元素,在千禧世代引起共鳴與迴響。
The Hertz, infuses Funk, Synth, Rock elements into their Cantonese-written tunes that echo the voice of the Hong Kong youth today.
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