neo tune picks by Ear Up Music

Ear Up Music呈獻neo tune picks,每季為大家推介10首本地原創音樂neo tune之選,帶出一種新氣象新鮮感、走出樂迷已認知的音樂盒子。借借你的耳朵,齊齊推陳出新!
New generation, new music. As time goes on, it's time for us to get to know the new voices in Hong Kong!
neo tune picks by Ear Up Music, introduces 10 local original new tunes every season. Pick the neo tunes, stay in new tuned!
Party Game (feat. Jonwl) | Afterglow

Synth-funk製作單位Afterglow找來neo soul樂團Clave主唱Jonwl情商客串,帶來一首散發着初夏透心涼感覺的日系city-pop式曲目,流麗、璀璨而groovy,Jonwl唱得多麼性感,那段色士風獨奏來得80年代到不得了。
The synth-punk producer Afterglow featuring Jonwl, the vocalist of neo soul band Clave, here you go a Japanese city-pop vibe of early summer. Sexy voice, groovy sound, matching with that 80s-ish saxophone solo.
Lonely when I’m with you | Anna hisbbuR

A mystic 20-year-old singer-songwriter girl who produces on her own, turns the feel of loneliness into a light brush of melting dust.
Hey Do You! (ft. The People) | Jabin Law

多產的folk rock唱作歌手Jabin Law霸氣地出版了他的2CD專輯《Ahistorical》box set(附迷你書匙扣),劃分成《Songs are Ashes I am The Wind》和《Whatever Helps You Sleep at Night》兩部分/兩張CD,來自前者的主打歌,featuring的The People包括Jonathan Yang、SuiChing等人,是Jabin難得地熱情的歌曲。
Jabin Law the folk rock singer-songwriter just published his 2CD box set "Ahistorical", which consists of "Songs are Ashes I am The Wind" and "Whatever Helps You Sleep at Night" two parts. This song comes from the former part, is a passionate song featuring The People.
IDEO WAR (ft. Hakgwai Lau & Jay Tse) | GDJYB 雞蛋蒸肉餅

有驚喜的GDJYB——Soft的京劇唱腔,Jay Tse(Life Was All Silence)的電幻synth riff、Hakgwai的didgeridoo/口弦/喉唱/頌缽,是GDJYB推進戲劇性兼民族風的藝術搖滾層次。
It's a surprising GDJYB – Soft's Chinese opera voice + Jay Tse (Life was All Silence)'s electronic synth riff + Hakgwai's didgeridoo – GDJYB's pushing a dramatic limit to an artistic rock of folk culture.
boyfriend material | gareth.t

A young sweet boy, a sweet and pure piece of R&B. Would you like to have this singer-songwriter/producer as your boyfriend?
Last Hug | Just a broken machine

Hydra主理的dream-pop音樂單位Just a broken machine,朦朧得如夢似幻的氛圍、散落的情感、浪漫的琴音、夢囈的主唱,給你一個治癒而溫暖的擁抱。
The dream-pop band Just a broken machine led by Hydra. The blurry atmosphere, the scattered feels, romantic piano, along with the murmuring vocal, together bring you a warm, warm hug.
暗戀家 | 石山街 Rock Hill Street

多年前Marstn與楊彤這兩位唱作/製作人已開始同台演出,如今正式合體組成電音流行組合石山街。以synth-pop / vaporwave樂風配以duet合唱形式,浪漫又摩登型格。
Years ago the two singer-songwriter/producers Marstn and Yeung Tung have started performing together, now they officially form the electronic pop band Rock Hill Street. Their duet of synth-pop and vaporwave styles is romantic and modern.
Sorrowful | WHIZZ

WHIZZ不獨只有groovy pop。從沉溺在悲傷與孤獨感,到循序漸進地演化成跳躍激昂,思潮宕跌起伏,是一首抒發負面情緒的治癒歌曲,也呈現出這四位女生的多層次音樂演奏功力。
WHIZZ doesn't only play groovy pop. From the indulgence of grief and loneliness, to the blast of emotion, this song serves well to let off some steam, and showcase the multi-layered music foundation of the four girls.
Bicycle Day | 小本生燈 xsgacha

剛發表首張專輯《冇有形狀》的小本生燈 xsgacha,以LWL和treasure autumn核心成員之他們走出90年代的boom bap與trip hop節拍,psytrance製作人ΔΩ ALTEROMEGA讓此曲彰顯出電幻而深邃的breakbeat組態,配以意識流文字的半吟半唱,dope到一個點!
xsgacha has just published their debut album. While LWL and treasure autumn infuse the boom bap and trip hop from the 90s, ΔΩ ALTEROMEGA puts together the electronic breakbeat in the song. It's a perfect dope with the chants!
人間喜劇 | Beat Friday

由製作人INK策動的Beat Friday,是一個每逢星期五以音樂週記形式發表新作的企劃。《人間喜劇》是其第一首廣東歌。沉壓着一股闇黑氛圍的trip hop曲風,悲傷失落的心靈,這是送給黑夜的孩子之歌。
Initiated by the producer INK, Beat Friday is a project that publishes a new song every Friday in the format of a music weekly journal. This is its first Cantonese song. With a dark trip hop style, this is a song for the children of the night.
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