楊雅餘 Uka Yueng
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Singer-songwriter - Uka Yeung
楊雅餘Uka Yeung,一位喜歡大自然、旅行和探索新事物的女孩。畢業於數碼音樂及媒體糸,大專時期,立志成為以木結他及文字音樂記載生活的唱作人,開始追尋音樂夢想。2014年,參與香港兩個大型的電視節目歌唱比賽。歌曲走清新的自彈自唱風格及民謠路線,至今創作的十多首原創歌曲,均包辦曲詞創作。2018及2019年分別在各大音樂平台發佈《偏偏》、《皺眉頭》、《實在的奢望》、《漂泊之樂》、《遺憾美》等作品。
Uka Yeung a graduate of the Department of Digital Music and Media. When she was a student, she started chasing her dream by using guitar and words to write her own songs. In 2014, Uka joined two local singing contests organised by TV broadcasting companies. Her music style is acoustic folk, and she has written more than 10 songs since her first song. She has released 5 original songs, ‘Pin Pin’, ‘Mei Tao’ and ‘extravagant’ etc. on music platforms in both 2018 and 2019.
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