楊智遠 Siu Yuen
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Singer-songwriter-Siu Yuen
唱作歌手,風格為詩式搖滾,當中包含詩意及少許藍調憂鬱。 於香港大學畢業後隨即簽約本地音樂品牌。2016年推出首張個人專輯《給自己》。多次為電台及電視節目創作主題曲,近年開始投入音樂與藝術的交流工作。
曾為多個畫展及藝術場地作現場伴奏,當中包括著名畫家Keo Chow《有人喜歡藍》;2016年為浪人劇場的劇目《心林》演唱及現場演奏;2017演出由一鋪清唱劇團製作的《今夜免收人頭費》。 文藝復興首屆搶耳音樂廠牌計劃六強新生代音樂單位,後參與其全球音樂交流及巡演計劃。
Siu Yuen has participated in over 500 performances of diverse natures. His music works include the theme song ‘He says’ of a popular web-novel ‘Cruel hidden-love’, supporting song ‘Land of happiness’ for the Umbrella Revolution and also ‘Let’s run!’ as the theme song of the great hit variety show ‘Running Man in Hong Kong’.
In 2016 his First solo album ‘To Myself’ was released and the original songs are now available on various music platforms. Apart from his own songs, his compositions include ‘Buskingdom’ and ‘Happiness starts from the heart’, which are the theme songs for MetroRadio and RTHK.
Recently Siu Yuen has also been focusing on the interaction of music and other art forms, which includes his live performances in a number of art shows, one of it being the performance of ‘The Overflow Blueness of An Inert’ for a well-known artist Keo Chow.
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