R&B, Ambient-pop, Indie electronic / 2023
rosemances 由主唱兼鍵琴手Roseann和製作人兼結他手及低音結他手Mance於2023年組成,之前二人已一直活躍於本地獨立音樂圈。rosemances 成軍後迅速推出多首單曲,包辦曲詞編監及設計,作品有英文歌、廣東歌及國語歌,音樂以柔和沉浸式電音氛圍和夢幻慵懶的節奏,呈現出飄浮浪漫的聲音和面貌。他們的聲音亦通過電影《白日之下》登上大銀幕。而二人別出心裁的現場演出,每每來得唯美又纏綿。
rosemances is an indie pop duo from Hong Kong. Roseann is the lead singer on keyboards with Mance on guitar, bass, and all other instruments. The duo crafts enveloping ambience of atmospheric textures in their music, evoking memories of cherished experiences and attachments such as sunsets, seas, soft pillows, and longings entwined with nostalgia and fantasy.
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