為了創作能夠引起共鳴的音樂,Him和John在2020年啟動了minor.這音樂企劃。 早期的單曲〈Wrong One〉為他們提供了更多的關注,更是登上了Spotify的新歌熱播以及在Ear Up Musication表演的機會。隨後,他們連續五個月都推出了一首單曲,其中包括〈Darksky〉、〈DSY〉等。其中的〈92〉,更將他們帶上TONE Music Award。
minor.的最新作品〈SOUL〉和一位美國的音樂人Sunshine Boulevard 合作,及後更開辦了兩場演出The SOUL Case。
minor. is a music project launched in 2020 by Him Tang and John Leung. They write, record and produce all their music, which aim to resonate with their audiences. Their early single ‘Half Summer’ has given the band the first glance of success, including a feature on a Spotify Editorial Playlist.
Following their first exposure, they continued to release singles monthly for 5 months, pushing songs like ‘Darksky’, ‘Whenever I See You’ and ’92’, which got them onto a bigger stage of TONE Music Award 2022. Minor. teamed up with video production teams in creating their acclaimed music videos on YouTube, gaining tens of thousands of views, reaching audiences beyond their hometown Hong Kong.
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