Folk / 2021
Gwenji是一位香港獨立民謠歌手兼作曲人,在2021年推出單曲Don't首次亮相。她獨特、氣音的唱腔會讓人聯想到像Agnes Obel 和beabadoobee這樣的新興生力軍。作為一個自學成才的音樂人,Gwenji擅長彈唱富節奏感的結他和旋律,寫出她真實的自我。她的第一張專輯即將面世,或許是這個城市需要的一把誠實堅韌的聲音。
Ho Gwenji Billie, also known as Gwenji, is an indie folk singer-songwriter from Hong Kong who has demonstrated an ability to persevere in her musical career. Despite the obstacles that have come her way, she has remained true to her talent and her distinctive, ethereal voice is reminiscent of emerging artists such as Agnes Obel and beabadoobee.
Gwenji is a self-taught and intuitive singer-songwriter with a great skill for writing deep and emotive songs when the music in her mind and the voice in her heart are inspired, revealing every part of her personality and inner world. With her first album on the way, her perseverant voice is like a seed that germinates and grows into a beautiful garden of talent.
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上世紀八、九十年代,我們都是英國音樂殖民地成長的一群,一行四人的Charming Way亦不例外,以玩復古Alternative Rock為基礎,將九十年代英式曲風與Canto-pop式旋律互動結盟,聽歌何止學英文,憑歌寄意向全世界歌頌港人港事,樂在其中,Charm到不能,2020年新曲《Victoria》假設香城為一位名叫維多利亞女生,忽冷忽熱,個性盡顯,不知道,如果Charming Way唱遊Causeway Bay又如何?
Wow and Flutter Live@Home
Lau Bak Freespace Livehouse
EarUp Music Festival @ Macpherson Stadium
NYE2020 - Masquerade @ Terrible Baby
Crocodiles Live in HK @ MOM Livehouse
EarUp Busking Music x Fashion @ D2 The SpaceTai O Rock Festival
Knitwear Symphony (The 9th Hong Kong Young KnitwearDesigners Contest) @ HKCEC
Flowing @ Nathan Left
Ear Hub Showcase @ Hong Kong Fringe Club Kowloon City Art Festival @ West Kowloon Art Park 2019 Weekend Wardrobe @ D2 Place Weekend market
Misik11 @ K11 Mall
LiveStage @ L12 Langham Place
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