Elly C
Elly C是一位來自香港的唱作歌手。她在16歲時於香港演出百老匯音樂劇《RENT》,啟迪了舞台之路。她漸漸喜歡上不同的音樂種類,並受到很多在Soundcloud上的本地和國際獨立歌手、音樂製作人的啟發,於2020年4月發行了第一首包辦詞曲及編曲的歌《wanderlust》。
Elly C is a singer-songwriter based in Hong Kong. She started her music journey as a pianist and then found her love for the stage when she was casted at RENT at the age of 16. She then developed an interest in different genres of music and was inspired deeply by a lot of the local and international indie artists and producers on SoundCloud. She then started writing and producing her own music. In April 2020, she released her very first single ‘wanderlust’, an ambient R&B song that she wrote, sang and produced.
Elly’s talent has found herself performing at many events including the Clockenflap Music Festival and Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival. She also performed a song together with Robynn & Kendy and opened for a Supper Moment show in 2016.
She is currently working on creating her first EP featuring songs inspired by her experience and imagination - to make her listeners feel something different, something they normally wouldn’t feel in their day-to-day lives.
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16歲那年曾在香港參演百老匯音樂劇《RENT》而發現了她對舞台的熱愛,然後喜歡不同種類音樂的她再受到在SoundCloud平台上一眾本地及國際獨立音樂單位衝擊而踏上音樂創作之路。Elly C帶來是屬於contemporary R&B風的歌曲,但她又絕不是另一位contemporary R&B唱作女生那麼簡單。Elly包辦曲、詞、編的首支歌曲〈wanderlust〉,配以R&B式的曲子而來,是靜謐的ambient琴音與氛圍、緩緩downtempo節拍,加上她淡淡然的主唱,淒美空靈而富有浪漫的電影感,足以展現出她的多重音樂性格。
Elly C @Ear Up Music Festival 2021
Elly C @Ear Up Showcase 2020
Elly C @Ear Up School Tour 2020

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