After Tales
Indie rock / 2020
Member list:
Danielle - 主音 & rhythm結他
Kit - Lead結他
Thomas - Bass Guitar
Ken - Drums
鹿的尾巴嗖地揮動 獅子在後窮追不捨 浸沉在若即若離的微妙裏
月輪在梢端驀然目睹 獅子在子夜輕吻了馴鹿
After Tales即:Danielle (主唱及節奏結他), Kit (主音結他), Thomas (貝斯手), Ken (鼓手) 2020年夏天四人於網上認識,各自所喜的風格雖南轅北轍卻殊途同歸——清新的聲線遇上日系跳躍的音色,再熔入歐美開闊的節拍及遊走無常的低頻,遂成渾然一體 為「甜蜜而清新的倔強」(聽眾所形容) 。 我們以廣東話感嘆秋去冬來,傷春悲秋之間還夾雜著仲夏蓄勢待發卻欲言又止的愁緒。After Tales希望能一直追逐童話,感動憂愁的耳朵。揮霍緣分,以音樂和應小鹿亂撞的冒失幻想。
"Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer" An enchanting line from the theme song of the movie "Begin Again"; magical yet subtly gruesome, somehow like the musical journey of the 4 hopeless dreamers. After Tales are: Danielle (vocal & rhythm guitarist), Kit (lead guitarist), Thomas (bassist) and Ken (drummer). The 4 randomly met on the internet in the summer of 2020, without knowing that the unremarkable encounter would lead them into a wonderland unbeknownst to them. Their musical styles might differ, but as long as they are together, they are able to tell the same story. The sugary vocals meet with the J-rock-influenced timbre of the guitar, and together they melt into the punchy drumbeats and frisky bass lines to create something that has been described as "refreshingly sweet and obstinately stubborn”. Using the fascinating Cantonese language, they write original songs about unrequited dreams, and the lovely melancholia of summertime. "After Tales" hopes to keep chasing after their fairy tales. They want to make the most out of the luck and blessings that they have been gifted with, and to use music and words to bring alive the reckless fantasies that they have been envisioning in their heads.
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